“Positive reinforcement teaches us that everyone has the potential to learn and grow.” – B.F. Skinner

Day Programming

Activities are age and culturally appropriate, meeting the level of cognitive/behavior function and incorporate special interests of the individual. Activities include daily living skills training, self-advocacy education, adaptive and social skills training, sensory or motor development, and reduction or elimination of maladaptive behavior.
Supports may include teaching concepts and skills to promote independence including following instructions, attendance/punctuality, task completion, budgeting/money management, problem solving, health and safety.
SCL Personal Assistance

Personal assistance shall include hands-on assistance (performing a task for an individual) reminding, observing, guiding, or training an individual in activities of daily living, reminding, observing, guiding, or training a participant in independent activities of daily living, assisting an individual in managing the individual’s medical care including making medical appointments and accompanying the individual to medical appointments.
SCL Residential Services

The staff provides support and training to obtain the outcomes of the individual as identified in the person-centered plan and provide or arrange transportation to services, activities, and medical appointments as needed.

SCL/MPW Case Management

The case manager role is essential to the person-centered process and the coordination and monitoring of the services provided to the individual. The case manager shall assist an individual in gaining access to and maintaining employment, membership in community clubs, groups, activities, and opportunities at the times and frequencies the participant chooses.
MPW Community Living Supports (CLS)

ADL activities may include laundry, routine household care and maintenance, bathing, eating, dressing, personal hygiene, shopping, use of money, medication management, socialization, relationship building, leisure choices, participation in generic community activities, and therapeutic outcomes. It may also include monitoring medication and nonmedical care not requiring a nurse or physician intervention. Services may also include accompanying and assisting an individual while utilizing transportation.
MPW Personal Care

MPW Homemaker Services

SCL Community Access Services

Community Access Services have an emphasis on the development of personal social networks, membership opportunities, friendships, and relationships for the participant as established in the participant's person-centered service plan. Community Access Services will be provided outside the participant's home or residential setting and occur during the day, in the evening, or on weekends.
SCL Supported Employment Services

Supported Employment Services can be participant-directed, provided in a variety of settings are provided by a trained Supported Employment Specialist. Supported employment will include a person-centered job selection discovery process that will be a respectful way to get to know a participant who is seeking a job and break past conceived notions about what a participant can or cannot do and include developing a Person-Centered Employment Plan based upon the participant's life experiences, interests, talents, contributions, impact of disability, vulnerabilities, and support needs.
Long-term support and follow-up will be provided to help a participant maintain the job and experience continued success after the Participant is fully integrated into the workplace and supported employment specialist is no longer needed on a regular basis. The supported employment specialist shall continue to be available for the participant if and when needed for support or assistance with any job change or job advancement.
SCL/MPW Positive Behavior Supports Services

As new skills and appropriate behaviors are learned, undesirable behaviors and actions are naturally reduced. By recognizing and building upon an individual’s strengths, preferences, and environmental factors, positive behavior support services empowers individuals, caregivers, and support networks to collaboratively work towards achieving positive outcomes and enriching lives within various settings. Settings include, but are not limited to, homes, schools, adult day training facilities, and the surrounding communities.
Positive Behavior Supports at Cumberland River Homes encompasses a holistic framework that not only addresses challenging behaviors but first and foremost emphasizes proactive, preventative strategies, environmental modifications, and skill building to enhance overall quality of life. Positive Behavior Supports at Cumberland River Homes uses evidence-based practices to create individualized intervention plans that are data driven, structured, and goal oriented. The holistic approach of PBS at Cumberland River Homes exists to empower individuals to achieve greater independence and reach their full potential.